
Doctor Zhilyaev announced the ability of black pepper and other spices to improve health

black pepper
Doctor Viktor Zhilyaev called black pepper one of the healthiest spices.

Doctor Zhilyaev advised Russians to add turmeric to their meals and drinks. The curcumin contained in this spice helps promote health by providing an anti-inflammatory effect. The fight against inflammation is very important, as it contributes to the development of many dangerous age-related pathologies, including cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease.

Viktor Zhilyaev also announced the ability to improve the health of such a spice as ginger. The spicy tuber contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and provides powerful support for a functioning immune system.

“Ginger contains biologically active compounds gingerols and shogaols. Thanks to them, ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects,” the doctor explained to
In addition, the doctor considers black pepper very beneficial for health. Its main component, piperine, improves the absorption of vitamins and microelements.

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Black Pepper

“Black pepper has antioxidant properties and protects the body's cells from damage,” said an expert.
Another spice with antioxidant effects is cinnamon. The doctor added that its use has a positive effect on blood vessels, helps to normalize blood cholesterol.

Nutritionist Zhilyaev: you don’t need to eat liquid hot meals regularly

Earlier, the portal wrote about how experts advise adjusting the diet after 50 years.

Important! but for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. See a doctor at the first sign of illness.

Viktor Zhilyaev Viktor Zhilyaev healthy lifestyle doctor-endocologist rhinologist, nutritionist