
Doctor Tikhomirova said that in the diet of people leads to their early aging

People's diet often contains ingredients that accelerate the aging of the body: among these, doctor Elena Tikhomirova considers fast carbohydrates and salt to be especially dangerous.

“To process aging in the body has not accelerated, some products should be abandoned, ”the therapist and nutritionist Elena Tikhomirova said in an interview.

The doctor explained that when fast carbohydrates are constantly present in the diet of people, they are consumed in large quantities , this threatens the body with “sugar surges”, in which the sugar level is sharply washed up. Such “sugarization” of the body contributes to the deterioration of blood circulation, from which body tissues suffer. At the same time, the connective tissue of the body, which is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, can intensively age.

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According to the therapist, flour desserts in the form of rich pastries, cakes, pastries – the deterioration of body tissues is facilitated by their high content of salt, sugar, fat.
Tikhomirova added that high doses of salt in people's diets also lead to early aging.

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“If we consume a lot of salt, then our tissues begin to swell, and in a state of swelling, aging occurs rapidly,” the expert emphasized.
Earlier, the portal wrote that how watermelons can harm the body. Elena Tikhomirova Elena Tikhomirova healthy lifestyle doctor-therapist, nutritionist