
Doctor Solomatina told which tomatoes are unhealthy

If tomatoes contain high doses of nitrates, eating them can seriously harm your health, nutritionist Yelena Solomatina warns.

The doctor said in an interview which tomatoes can be considered unhealthy without exaggeration. According to Solomatina, dangerous vegetables can be recognized by how they look when cut.

“You need to pay attention to the cut of a tomato. It is better to refuse a product with many veins, ”the doctor shared her recommendation.
Solomatina clarified that the abundance of yellowish hard veins inside the tomato is a sign that the vegetable was generously “fed” with nitrates during the growing process. The doctor explained that these chemicals used to accelerate the growth of plants form, getting into the human body, other compounds – nitrites. The influence of the latter can be very dangerous: for example, nitrites contribute to the modification of hemoglobin, which takes on a form that does not tolerate oxygen.

Also, a potentially harmful feature of tomatoes is their ability to accumulate the substance solanine, which is a plant toxin.

“Eat only ripe tomatoes. Unripe fruits may contain an increased concentration of harmful substances,” Solomatina shared.
Additionally, the doctor informed that in some diseases, tomatoes may be contraindicated or their use is minimized. Among such ailments are peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, urolithiasis.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which products effectively fight oxidation, protecting the body from cancer. Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina healthy lifestyle nutritionist