
Doctor Solomatina: radish is good for immunity in old age

According to nutritionist Elena Solomatina, eating radish in old age helps protect the body from weakening immunity.

Doctor Solomatina said in an interview that phytoncides contained in radishes effectively fight pathogenic bacteria. In this regard, radishes are not inferior to garlic or onions.

In addition, mustard oil is present in the spicy vegetable – it also has an antibacterial effect, improves the body's defense against viral infections.

“In the elderly, immunity is generally very vulnerable, weak. When we eat radishes, the probability of catching some kind of virus becomes much less, ”said Elena Solomatina.
Speaking with Moscow 24, the physician added that another important benefit of radish is its high content of magnesium and potassium. Both trace elements are considered “heart”, they support the work of the myocardium. In addition, potassium promotes the excretion of sodium, which is good for blood pressure. Magnesium, in turn, maintains a good condition of bone tissue and teeth, which is also very important in old age.

Nutritionist Solomatina called an affordable product to strengthen immunity

“There is also vitamin PP in radishes. It improves blood circulation,” the specialist added.
For those who want to slow down aging, Solomatina also advised eating radishes. wrote that products that stimulate the production of collagen in the body have a rejuvenating effect.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina healthy lifestyle dietitian, candidate of medical sciences