
Doctor Solomatina called the best time for breakfast after waking up

Dietitian Elena Solomatina advises to have breakfast right after waking up, and after a certain time.

In her interview, the nutritionist noted that she considers breakfast a must

“Breakfast is a must, because it is in the morning that most people start metabolic processes,” Elena Solomatina explained.
The doctor also noted that it is better to start breakfast at a certain time.

“From 30 minutes to an hour after waking up. On average, after 40 minutes, ”the doctor shared her recommendation.
Speaking about what a healthy breakfast should be, Solomatina clarified: ideally, when the first meal of the day consists of complex carbohydrates and protein. For example, it could be a moderate portion of whole grain porridge and some cottage cheese, or not too fatty cheese, or a chicken egg. Another option: whole grain bread and an omelet, or a piece of fairly lean meat. Fried eggs or scrambled eggs with vegetables and mushrooms are also a nutritious and healthy breakfast.

Listing cereals that are great for breakfast, the doctor advised using whole grain oatmeal, as well as barley or buckwheat for their preparation.

Earlier, the portal wrote that inappropriate breakfast cereals increase blood sugar levels: Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina healthy lifestyle nutritionist