
Doctor Queen said the need to drink water after coffee

Therapist and nutritionist Margarita Koroleva: coffee is beneficial only if it is used correctly.

How coffee often causes discussions about the health benefits of drinking it . Nutritionist Koroleva noted in a commentary for Moscow 24 that, when used correctly, coffee exhibits many health benefits. In particular, the drink has a stimulating effect on the brain – the activity of its neurons is activated, which leads to an improvement in cognitive functions, including memory and thinking.

“By enhancing blood circulation and improving microcirculation, coffee helps maintain cognitive function at a good level and improves memory,” the doctor stated.
Speaking about the rules for drinking coffee, Margarita Koroleva advised, first of all, not to abuse the amount of the drink and its strength. The maximum you can afford to drink two cups a day.

Doctor Queen stated the need to drink water after coffee.

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“In order not to provoke dehydration of the body, after coffee it is necessary to drink a glass of water,” the specialist clarified.
The doctor also recommended remembering the ability of coffee to cause an increase in blood pressure. People who are prone to its jumps, as well as hypertensive patients and people with arrhythmia, it is better to exclude it from their daily diet. about why women over 40 should definitely eat foods with calcium.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Margarita Koroleva Margarita Koroleva healthy lifestyle physician, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences