
Doctor Pavlova: the habit of drinking kefir before going to bed threatens the development of prediabetes

Zukhra Pavlova, an endocrinologist: regular intake of kefir at bedtime is fraught with the development of a disorder leading to prediabetes.

Prediabetes is a condition in which the level blood sugar is elevated, although not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. According to doctor Pavlova, the habit of drinking kefir before bedtime can lead to the occurrence of prediabetes.

The doctor explained that in the evening, the body naturally increases the activity of insulin, a hormone that distributes sugar throughout the cells and reduces its level in the blood. The use of kefir will only further stimulate the release of insulin –

“if you drink this product at night, when insulin activity is already maximum, then a very strong decrease in blood glucose levels will begin during sleep.”
To make up for a sharp decrease in glucose and to prevent the development of hypoglycemia, the body turns on a compensation mechanism, according to which glucose begins to be intensively produced by the liver. As a result, the sugar level begins to rise, and by morning it may be too high.

How useful is it really to drink a glass of kefir before going to bed?

“Regular use of kefir at night can lead to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which leads to prediabetes,” said doctor Zukhra Pavlova.
The endocrinologist advised not to use it on no food or drink at night, except for water.

Endocrinologist Pavlova: the habit of drinking kefir at night increases blood sugar

Earlier, the portal wrote about what carcinogen is contained in shish kebab.< p class="warning_txt">Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Zukhra Pavlova Zukhra Pavlova Healthy lifestyle, endocrinologist, Moscow Research and Educational Center, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, candidate of medical sciences