
Doctor Pavlova advised to give up cereals, because of which the stomach grows

Zukhra Pavlova, an endocrinologist, advised eating the right oatmeal for breakfast.

According to endocrinologist Pavlova, the morning meal is physiologically necessary for the body and is mandatory .

“In the morning, a high activity of the adrenal glands and the gastrointestinal tract is noted in the human body. At this moment, a person is obliged to eat, ”the doctor informed in her Telegram.
Pavlova noticed that many people prefer to have cereal for breakfast. One of the most useful options for cereals, the specialist considers oatmeal, made from coarse flakes, which the doctor recommends not to boil, but to pour boiled water (30 minutes before use). It is useful to add raisins, hazelnuts, prunes to such porridge. The expert stated that oatmeal contains a special type of fiber, beta-glucan. In the process of assimilation, beta-glucan dissolves, creating a mass to which cholesterol particles stick (all this then leaves the body). Thus, oatmeal helps to reduce high cholesterol levels, and adding nuts and dried fruits to it additionally provides vitamins and trace elements.

At the same time, doctor Pavlova advised to abandon instant cereals, because of which the stomach grows. Even oatmeal in this version can be harmful, since the processing it undergoes in production practically deprives it of fiber. The result is a product rich in carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed, increase blood sugar and promote intensive fat deposition.

Endocrinologist Pavlova warned about the possible danger of tea

In general, the expert concluded, cereals (even the most healthy ones) should not be eaten daily and in large portions.

Doctor Pavlova advised not to eat cereals in the heat

“It is recommended to combine any porridge with a protein product. For example, a portion of oatmeal (not fast food!) Is best eaten with a boiled egg,” the doctor suggested.
Earlier, the portal wrote about what foods are harmful to eat on an empty stomach. b>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Zukhra Pavlova Zukhra Pavlova Healthy lifestyle endocrinologist, Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, candidate of medical sciences