
Doctor Mikhaleva: refusal of milk creates a deficiency of nutrients in the body

Doctor Oksana Mikhaleva: harmful properties are undeservedly attributed to milk and dairy products.

Doctor Mikhaleva drew attention to the fact that milk today is often and completely unjustified demonized. Refusal of milk by many people is associated with myths about its dangers.

“Dairy products are credited with the ability to cause digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, and obesity. In fact, this is far from being the case, ”Izvestia quotes Mikhaleva.
The doctor said that the rejection of milk would most likely harm the body, since it contributes to a deficiency of nutrients. Mikhaleva emphasized that it is dairy products that play the role of the main suppliers of calcium for the human body – ignoring them can provoke a calcium deficiency. After 50 years, the lack of this trace element threatens the development of osteoporosis.

In addition, milk contains easily digestible protein. The need for such a protein is especially high in children, adolescents, women of reproductive age, the elderly, athletes and people involved in physical labor.

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What else is contained in milk? It is a source of such important vitamins and microelements for health as B vitamins (B12, B1, B6), vitamin A, vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about why you should not have cereals with milk for breakfast.

Important!< /span> Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Oksana Mikhaleva Oksana Mikhaleva Healthy lifestyle endocrinologist, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences