
Doctor Lazurenko named products for strengthening bones in old age

fish in sesame
Foods containing protein, calcium, vitamin D help strengthen the bones of the elderly, doctor Natalia Lazurenko told about this.

Thinning and brittle bones are a common problem in old age. Speaking about products that help strengthen them, Lazurenko noted in an interview the importance of getting enough protein – for example, from different types of meat. The doctor emphasized: the protein maintains the integrity of bone tissue.

Another type of food for strengthening bones in old age is calcium sources.

“You need to replenish calcium levels. It can be not only lactic acid products. Flax seeds or sesame seeds also contain a large amount of calcium, which we need to form bone tissue. Moreover, it is desirable to grind the seeds, ”Lazurenko shared her advice, talking with Moskva 24.
In addition, good bone health is inconceivable without vitamin D – it ensures the absorption of calcium. This vitamin provides the body with fatty sea fish (including herring, mackerel), algae, cod liver, eggs. people consult a doctor to determine the exact condition of the bone tissue. It is possible that a specialist, having prescribed appropriate tests, will consider that additional medication is needed.

Products for strengthening bones

Earlier, the portal wrote about which people do not need to drink coffee.

Important! This information is provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Natalia Lazurenko Natalia Lazurenko healthy lifestyle dietitian, endocrinologist