
Doctor Kondrakhin recommended foods and drinks for the active removal of toxins from the body

Therapist Andrey Kondrakhin: toxins accumulate in the body when it does not receive enough antioxidants.

Doctor Kondrakhin reported in a commentary to Vechernyaya Moskva: a lack of natural antioxidants contributes to intoxication of the body – the accumulation of unwanted substances in it, formed during the breakdown of food, which are not excreted in a timely manner due to “sluggish” metabolism, insufficiently active digestion, frequent constipation. According to the specialist, to cleanse yourself of toxins, you need to stick to a diet that includes certain types of foods.

Andrey Kondrakhin recommended the following foods and drinks for the active removal of toxins.

  • Clean drinking water: drunk in the amount of 3 liters per day, it helps to remove toxins through the kidneys.
  • Mineral water: you need to drink it in between regular water – this corrects the violation of electrolyte metabolism.
  • Herbal teas: drinking them reduces the toxic load.
  • Vegetables: their fiber improves the digestive system, activates the removal of toxins with stool.
  • Rabbit meat, chicken, eggs: their proteins are quickly broken down and are well suited for detoxification.

Earlier, the portal wrote that for an active metabolism, women and men need different breakfasts.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Andrey Kondrakhin Andrey Kondrakhin Healthy lifestyle physician, PhD in medicine