
Doctor Kiseleva: addiction to milk can cause cancer and other problems

Doctor Elena Kiseleva: adults need to drink milk strictly in moderation.

Addiction to milk can be a dangerous habit. Speaking about the dangers of its consumption in large quantities, Kiseleva warned:

“Milk is not the most useful product for adults, since its use in large quantities can provoke oncological and other problems.”
According to Elena Kiseleva, cow's milk contains estrogen, which increases the level of prolactin in the blood. In men, because of this, the production of testosterone is suppressed, the mammary glands increase. In women, the likelihood of breast cancer increases.

Medic added that milk is a source of the amino acid leucine, which provokes cell division and growth. It is believed that risks of such malignant tumors as endometrial cancer and prostate cancer may be associated with this.

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“Milk also contains proteins globulins and casein, which are often not fully digested, damaging the intestinal epithelium and provoking chronic inflammation, the development of allergic reactions, and oncological processes,” the specialist informed.
In an interview with AiF, doctor Elena Kiseleva additionally reported that in large doses milk is harmful due to the presence of animal fats and the sugar lactose. An adult should not consume more than a glass of milk a day.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about which plant sources of protein can be especially useful in the diet.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Kiseleva Elena Kiseleva Healthy lifestyle therapist, endocrinologist