
Dietitian Ginzburg advised products to “cure” bad mood

bad mood
The use of certain foods has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, helps prevent problems with bad mood and apathy, depressive states.

Russian physician, scientist , nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg spoke about products that are effective for “treatment” of bad mood.

“In the first place, I would put fatty sea fish and fish oil – these are sources of omega-3 fatty acids, a very important component for nutrition and brain function,” the expert explained.
Ginsburg added that fish oil is also rich in vitamin D, which is one of the best natural remedies for depression. Many studies show that its deficiency is associated with susceptibility to depression, bad mood, and a negative worldview. You can also replenish your levels of this important vitamin by taking it as a supplement, or by taking regular walks in the fresh air (vitamin D is produced in the body by exposure to sunlight). Ginzburg advised eating berries – the antioxidants contained in them help cleanse the brain of unwanted components.

Also, the expert added,

“chocolate without sugar and several cups of coffee a day helps in the fight against depression” .
Earlier, the portal wrote about why doctors do not recommend drinking tea or coffee with sugar at breakfast. Mikhail Ginzburg Mikhail Ginzburg Healthy lifestyle director of the Samara Research Institute Dietology and Diet Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences