
Detox. What is behind this fashion?

Endocrinologist Natalya Liberanskaya debunked the myths about popular detox systems and told how they can be harmful to the body.

Detox and all kinds of cleansing systems are perceived by many as a universal cure for almost any disease. But are they really that useful?

“Practically everything that is presented to us as a detox has nothing to do with detoxification. Foods, drinks, and whole food systems supposedly designed to remove waste and toxins most often do not bring benefits. And sometimes they even harm,” the expert warns.
The specialist does not deny that a one-time or short-term adherence to a detox program can really have an effect. The whole secret is that the basis of such a detox is foods rich in fiber (vegetables, herbs, fruits). But junk food is canceled during cleaning (fast carbohydrates, proteins).

Thanks to the large volumes of dietary fiber received, the intestines are emptied easily and simply. A person feels lightness in the body and even loses weight a little. But you can’t call it a full-fledged detox, the expert assures.

Detox programs in most cases only activate intestinal motility and positively affect the microflora. Weight loss occurs due to getting rid of excess fluid (edema) and muscle tissue, but not fat.

And now let's talk about the cons.

“Once you return to your previous diet, the pounds lost on the detox diet due to muscle and water will return with a vengeance. As long as you deprive yourself of animal fats and proteins, the body will not receive vital substances, and this can lead to muscle loss, menstrual irregularities, ”says the specialist.
In addition, diets based on a fruit menu can adversely affect the condition of the intestines and provoke insulin resistance.

It is also important to note that any “hunger diet” (detox diets are just low-calorie diets) is always stressful for the body. And this is an increased production of cortisol, which will block the expenditure of fat.

A healthy body is able to remove toxins from tissues on its own. The main thing is not to interfere with him.

The endocrinologist named the principles of a safe detox

If for some reason he did not cope and intoxication set in, that is, poisoning, smoothies from cucumbers and spinach will not help here. We need a real detox with droppers and drugs.

Detox diets are dangerous – doctors

And problems with the gastrointestinal tract are very often associated not with the need for detox, but with disorders in the liver and bile. Natalya Liberanskaya Natalya Liberanskaya Healthy lifestyle Endocrinologist