
Cherries and diabetes: compatible or not?

Endocrinologist Olga Pavlova told whether those suffering from diabetes can eat cherries.

Can cherries be considered a dietary product? Can. Indeed, for 100 g of cherries there are only 52 kcal and a little more than 11 g of carbohydrates.

“The glycemic index of cherries is 22, which means it is low. This means that cherries slowly raise blood sugar and cause a slight release of insulin. This means that cherries can be safely eaten with diabetes and weight loss,” the expert says.
Another nice bonus is the huge amount of vitamins and useful trace elements that cherries contain. Fruits are a storehouse of vitamin C, A, PP, B1, B2, folic acid. It also contains copper, iron and zinc.

Due to such a valuable composition, the use of cherries will help to strengthen the body's immune system in general, it also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

For colds and SARS, cherries can be used as a natural antipyretic.

Cherry has a beneficial effect on blood quality and reduces the risk of blood clots, normalizes cholesterol levels, and positively affects the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

br>Due to the high content of pectin in fruits, cherries activate intestinal motility, so it is useful to use it for chronic constipation. very well increases libido and potency. Take note!

What is diabetes. We analyze the disease in simple words

Important: be careful with cherries for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Especially during the period of exacerbation. If you have diabetes, try to eat no more than one glass of cherries at one meal. Olga Pavlova Olga Pavlova Healthy lifestyle Endocrinologist