
Cardiologist Serebryansky called drinks to stabilize blood pressure

drink with rose hips
According to cardiologist Yuri Serebryansky, teas based on mint, raspberry, currant or lemon balm can be very useful for normalizing blood pressure.

The doctor said in an interview that drinking herbal teas or drinks that contain components such as valerian, calendula, rosehip helps stabilize blood pressure.

“Tea with mint, raspberries, currants or lemon balm is useful. There may also be valerian root – you can make a decoction. Or calendula in the form of a decoction or tea. These are harmless and at the same time useful drinks,” Serebryansky said.
The cardiologist specified that these drinks can stabilize blood pressure by influencing the nervous system in a certain way. Their reception allows to reduce psycho-emotional stress, improve sleep.

Serebryansky also noted the benefits of rosehip decoction. Rose hips contain high doses of vitamin C and other substances, which improve the condition of the vascular tissue and the functioning of blood vessels. – the doctor said about the healthy drink.
Earlier, the portal wrote that experts identified drinking habits that imperceptibly increase blood pressure. Yuri Serebryansky Yury Serebryansky healthy lifestyle cardiologist , Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation