
Cardiologist Korenevich: potatoes and pasta are side dishes dangerous for the heart

mashed potatoes
Cardiologist Anna Korenevich: side dishes rich in simple carbohydrates may increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiologist Korenevich spoke about products whose constant presence in the diet is associated with the occurrence of vascular and heart diseases. Often, when talking about these diseases, they begin to talk about the dangers of fatty meat, fat and other foods rich in fat. But the doctor noted that the frequent consumption of foods with a high concentration of simple carbohydrates affects the cardiovascular system. – said Anna Korenevich.
The cardiologist explained that foods rich in simple carbohydrates include sweets and products made from white flour. But not only. The doctor stressed that potatoes and pasta, popular among Russians, are side dishes dangerous for the heart.

“The list of foods that should be limited includes potatoes, white rice, pasta (if they are not from durum wheat). Many people eat such side dishes much more often than the same sausage, sausages, all kinds of smoked meats, ”the expert shared her opinion.
The cardiologist drew attention to mashed potatoes, one of the most common side dishes in Russia. According to the doctor, simple carbohydrates are contained in large quantities – this dish is digested very quickly and causes a sharp jump in blood sugar levels.

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The specialist warned that the carbohydrates received are processed by the body into fat. Daily consumption of simple carbohydrates in large volumes can become a trigger for processes that provoke lipid metabolism disorders and the development of obesity, the appearance of diabetes and vascular pathologies.

Cardiologist Korenevich named the best cereals for blood vessels and the heart portal wrote about the benefits of nettle consumption for the body.

Important! for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anna Korenevich Anna Korenevich healthy lifestyle cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences