
Cardiologist Korenevich called food combinations that prevent weight loss

potatoes with meat
Some food combinations are a real barrier to weight loss, their use does not allow the body to actively burn fat, cardiologist Anna Korenevich warned:

Many people make active attempts to become slimmer in the spring. Cardiologist Korenevich said: those who want to quickly gain a toned stomach or get rid of extra pounds should carefully control their diet – it should not contain combinations of foods that interfere with weight loss.

“There are combinations of products that will definitely not let you lose weight and keep weight. These are meat and potatoes, lunch and dinner with bread and dessert after lunch and dinner,” the specialist shared.
Korenevich added that each of these products may well be on the menu. But it should be used separately and strictly in portions – then it will not bring harm to the figure.

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The doctor also confirmed that it is important to fight obesity, since excess fat in the body means increased risks of many pathologies, including such dangerous ones as diabetes, liver disease, and heart disease.

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“Excess fat is associated with increased stress on the heart and blood vessels. Patients of cardiologists in 80% of cases are people with obesity,” the doctor stated.
Earlier, the portal wrote about what causes the heart to beat less frequently, causing bradycardia.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anna Korenevich Anna Korenevich healthy lifestyle cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences