
“Calcium Loss and Stomach Cancer”: Nutritionist Markova Named the Consequences of an Overly Salty Menu

pickled cucumbers
Excess salt in the daily menu increases the risk of dangerous disorders and diseases, said nutritionist Ekaterina Markova.

Many Russians admit that they love all kinds of salty snacks, and among home-made preserves, our compatriots most often favor pickles. Nutritionist Markova warned in a conversation with RIA Novosti that an overly salty menu can have dangerous consequences for the body. One of them is a high risk of cardiovascular diseases, primarily hypertension. According to the expert, excessive sodium consumption depletes the body's potassium reserves, which increases the likelihood of high blood pressure in the vessels.

Another consequence of an overly salty diet is the leaching of calcium.

“Sodium chloride leaches calcium and other electrolytes, which causes a gradual deterioration in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, the condition of hair, teeth and nails,” the specialist warned.
Markova also drew attention to the fact that a large amount of salt entering the body contributes to the emergence of problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. The nutritionist reminded that salt provokes water retention, and this becomes an additional burden on the kidneys – their filtering function is significantly weakened. As a result, the concentration of protein breakdown products and toxins in the body increases – this in turn makes it susceptible to inflammation and associated diseases, autoimmune disorders.

As for possible deviations in the gastrointestinal tract due to excessive salt consumption, the expert noted: the most ardent lovers of salty foods can bring themselves to the development of cancer with their habit.

“Unlimited salt consumption can lead to ulcers and gastritis. If these diseases are not treated and you continue to eat improperly, the consequence may be stomach or duodenal cancer,” the nutritionist stated.
Earlier, the portal wrote about whether cancer can occur due to the fact that butter is consumed.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ekaterina Markova Ekaterina Markova Healthy lifestyle nutritionist