
Biochemist Kuleshova told how to maintain a drinking regime in the summer

drink water
Expert biochemist Maria Kuleshova: in summer the body needs more liquid, but one should not quench one's thirst with tea or coffee.

In an interview, Kuleshova said how to maintain a drinking regimen in the summer. The specialist noticed that the volume of water that the body needs in the summer can reach up to four to six liters per day (a person's weight matters). The increased water intake in summer is explained by the fact that during the hot season the body loses moisture much more intensively. The expert emphasized that the body should not be allowed to experience a lack of water.

“If the body loses 4% of moisture, its performance will drop by 20-30%. An even greater lack of water is fraught with difficulty concentrating, headaches and drowsiness. Loss of 10% of water can be life-threatening,” said Kuznetsova.
The biochemist stated: it is important to choose the right drinks to quench your thirst and maintain water balance in the body. When a person drinks tea (black), coffee or juice on a hot summer day, he also replenishes fluid reserves, but at the same time, sugar, caffeine, and taurine enter his body. As a result, the burden on the kidneys and heart increases, which already have to function in the heat with stress.

The specialist is convinced that there is no better drink than pure drinking water in summer. Even filtered tap water is suitable.

“Mineral water is not recommended, as its use threatens to deposit excess salts,” Kuznetsova added.
Also, the biochemist advises to drink water stored in plastic containers less often, since along with it, microparticles of plastic penetrate into the body.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what drinking kefir can give in the morning and evening. Maria Kuleshova Maria Kuleshova healthy lifestyle expert -biochemist of the company “Barrier”