
Beer has been found to be good for the brain

Beer found to be good for the brain
Drinking two beers a day may reduce the risk of dementia. Researchers from Australia came to such an interesting conclusion.

Scientists warn that drinking beer daily may reduce the risk of dementia. They studied the prevalence of alcohol use and rates of dementia among 25,000 people over the age of 60. If people drank about two cups a day, they were a third less likely to suffer from memory disorders than teetotalers.

Beer helps protect the heart

Non-drinkers were most at risk of dementia – their risk increased by 20%, compared with those who drank three mugs per evening. The researchers believe their findings show that abstaining from alcohol does not appear to protect against dementia.

Beer still recognized as beneficial to health

However, other experts point out that while moderate amounts of alcohol can prevent a severe disorder to some extent, its excessive consumption is even more dangerous. To minimize the health risks from alcohol, men and women are advised to regularly consume no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. One unit is 10 ml of pure alcohol, which is approximately half a mug of beer with a strength of 3.6%, 25 ml of spirits with a strength of 40%, and a small glass of 125 ml of wine with a strength of 12% daily. (READ MORE)