
Bad and good cholesterol: what's the difference?

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Nutritionist, expert on healthy eating Ekaterina Novikova explained the difference between bad and good cholesterol.

In the minds of many, a stable association has become stronger: cholesterol means bad. But this is not so. In fact, cholesterol is vital for our body. In particular, some sex hormones are formed from it. What hormonal failure is fraught with, we have already told more than once.

Where does bad cholesterol come from? From excess fatty foods in the diet. Against this background, atherosclerosis and heart problems can develop.

“Increased blood cholesterol levels are associated with the development of atherosclerosis, which is a key moment for most cardiovascular diseases,” the expert notes.
The growth of bad cholesterol is also promoted by smoking, unbalanced diet, alcohol, lack of physical activity, passive lifestyle, overweight.

There is a relationship between high cholesterol and high blood pressure, high glucose levels. But the most important risk for the development of cardiovascular pathologies is hypercholesterolemia.

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The solution to the problem lies in several planes. First of all, this is work with nutrition. It is extremely important to add healthy fatty acids to the diet. Also, taking increased doses of vitamins B12, B9, B6, E, D3 will not hurt.

Good cholesterol does not protect the heart
Ekaterina Novikova Ekaterina Novikova Healthy lifestyle Nutritionist, nutritionist