
Anti-aging products named by expert

anti-aging products
Products whose components fight free radicals in the body help to slow down aging, says Svetlana Pavlichenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, an expert in the field of nutrition.

Pavlichenko said in an interview that, accumulating, free radicals begin to damage cellular structures, which contributes to the accelerated aging of the body. Speaking about products that slow down aging, the expert noted that such are, for example, rich sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are one of the main fighters against free radicals.

“First of all, you should pay attention to extra virgin olive oil. This oil is rich in vitamin E, one of the most powerful antioxidants, which is responsible for regeneration processes, helps cells recover, has an anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory effect,” Pavlichenko told
In addition, eating red and blue berries, full of anthocyanins and phytocyins, antioxidants that are effective against chronic inflammation caused by free radicals, helps slow down the aging process. In addition, berries perfectly support the tone of the brain, prevent the development of its diseases associated with aging.

Another powerful source of antioxidants is the avocado. It contains a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are also included in the group of antioxidants that counteract aging, including the aging of brain cells.

Foods that accelerate aging are named

Pavlichenko recommended there are foods containing unsaturated fatty acids, as well as foods in which there is a lot of vitamin C, copper, zinc. called skipping breakfast a health hazard.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Svetlana Pavlichenko Svetlana Pavlichenko healthy lifestyle Candidate of Medical Sciences, Executive Director of ANO National Research Center “Healthy Eating”