
A nutritionist told in which case wine and beer are useful

wine bottles
According to nutritionist Ruslan Aliev, in certain circumstances wine and beer can benefit the body, but drinks should be non-alcoholic.

The specialist reported the beneficial effect of beer and wine in the case when the human body is recovering after intense physical exertion (for example, after a hard sports workout).

“Beer and wine are useful after hard training, these drinks help the body recover faster” Aliyev noted.
Also, the physician added, beer helps to protect the respiratory organs from infectious agents. As for wine, drinking it lowers the level of the stress hormone.

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At the same time, Aliyev stressed that all of the above applies to non-alcoholic versions of drinks. The presence of ethyl alcohol in them eliminates the benefits that they can bring to health. Toxins released during its splitting affect the nervous tissue, have a devastating effect on the liver, brain and heart.

The doctor spoke about the risk of death when losing weight possible health problems due to frequent tea drinking have been cited.

Important! purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Ruslan Aliyev Ruslan Aliyev healthy lifestyle nutritionist