
5 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

5 Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally
High cholesterol levels are a constant threat to the cardiovascular system, and hence to life. It is very important to learn how to reduce it not only with the help of drugs.

Healthy eating
Definitely easy to say and hard to do, but the hard work is worth it, and in the case of high cholesterol, it is necessary. There are many natural products that can help lower cholesterol levels. Along with this, cut down on processed foods, especially those that contain too much salt and sugar. Soluble fiber, found in oatmeal, beans, apples, and Brussels sprouts, reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. Whey protein from dairy products can lower your “bad” and total cholesterol levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, are also good for heart tissue and blood vessel health.

Quitting alcohol
It is difficult not to drink at all, especially if you are going to a party or birthday. But you have to rise above acceptability and think about health. You need to choose what is really important – health or mood? Of course, you can drink alcohol from time to time. However, even moderate alcohol consumption can increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body.

Weight Loss
Not good if you are overweight or obese. Excess weight, especially in the abdomen, increases the proportion of visceral fat, which can even affect the liver. If you are overweight, your cholesterol levels will be higher, which will hit your arteries and blood vessels. Excess weight can be lost if you do not go on a diet, but switch to a healthy diet, consisting of home-made natural products. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and exercise regularly to lose weight. Also be sure to drink plenty of water.

Dietitian Robson: plant sterols are “most effective” for lowering cholesterol”

Smoking cessation
Smoking increases pressure on your heart and heart rate, exacerbating the adverse effects of cholesterol buildup on artery walls. Researchers have found that quitting tobacco raises “good” cholesterol levels by improving circulation and lung function. The good news is that a year after quitting smoking, the risk of heart disease is halved for most ex-smokers. You can start by reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke and seek help from a specialist.

One of the best foods to lower high cholesterol naturally

Sedentary work – the way to atherosclerosis. Whatever the reason, you must find a way to reduce your sitting time and increase your overall physical activity throughout the day. Exercise is also extremely important for lowering cholesterol and you can choose your favorites – walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, etc. It's important that you don't spend most of the day on the couch or in an armchair. Keep standing and moving from time to time to get the physical activity you need. It increases the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, which helps to eliminate “bad” and reduce atherosclerosis. (READ MORE) The Health Site

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