
Women's first aid kit: what to take with you on a trip?

Dr. Kamil Bakhtiyarov told how to properly pack a first aid kit on the road. And although the holiday season is already ending, this information is always relevant.

No one is safe from health problems on the road. Especially if you are facing a sudden change in climate or time zones. The body will have to quickly readjust. For him, such changes are always stressful.

And the journey is also swimming in reservoirs, changing the diet and the usual diet. As a rule, more often health troubles on the road happen to women. Therefore, this information will be useful primarily for them.

What you first need to put in your first aid kit depends on what chronic diseases you have. Or the risk of what pathologies is highest. You know your weaknesses.

“If you periodically have thrush, it is best to take with you the remedy that the doctor prescribed for candidiasis, and which helps you best. If you don’t have anything with you, look for suppositories with the active ingredient natamycin in pharmacies, ”the expert says.
For those who suffer from cystitis (relapses often occur in hot places), it is advisable to follow a diet while traveling. At the first sign of cystitis, exclude alcohol, drink more water.

It is good to put a broad-spectrum antibiotic and something to relieve pain in the first-aid kit.

First-aid kit on vacation: what to take with you?
For problems with the gastrointestinal tract (they are waiting for many on vacation), it is important to have sorbents on hand, a remedy for diarrhea, enzymes from bloating (if you overeat), probiotics.

The therapist told how to collect a travel first aid kit

Antiseptic, antihistamines are always useful. If you are taking oral contraceptives, make sure that you have the right amount with you. You are unlikely to be able to buy them while traveling. Kamil Bakhtiyarov Kamil Bakhtiyarov Health Gynecologist