
Will iodine mesh show iodine deficiency?

Dr. Ksenia Mashkina told whether it is possible to determine the deficiency of iodine in the body by the iodine grid and how to take this nutrient correctly.

There is a lot of talk today about iodine deficiency and the need to take it, and these conversations are completely justified. The population of most regions of Russia really suffers from a deficiency of this important element in the body.

“What does iodine deficiency lead to? First of all, this is a violation of the thyroid gland: hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, nodes, and so on, ”the expert says.
During pregnancy, a lack of iodine in the body of the expectant mother can cause mental retardation of the child.

Also, iodine deficiency is fraught with disturbances in iron metabolism, depressive states.

Iodine is needed not only for the thyroid gland. It is necessary for the ovaries, prostate gland, eyes, gastric mucosa, blood and lymph also need it. And since iodine affects mental development, with a lack of this element, people become dumb.

Iodine antagonists are chlorine, bromine, and fluorine. These elements can enter the body with medicines, food, household chemicals.

In turn, the sources of iodine are fish and seafood, feijoa fruits. Iodine is also found in dairy products and eggs.

The minimum daily preventive dose of iodine is 150 mcg. It is desirable to take it in the morning.

As for the forms of iodine, the most common potassium iodide is quite suitable for everyone. How to detect iodine deficiency in the body? It is best to take a urine test, iodine readings should exceed 200.

The iodine grid, which is often drawn on the legs and elbows, is not a reliable criterion, a test for iodine deficiency in the body.

Before you start drinking iodine, you need to take a preparatory monthly course of taking selenium and magnesium. They will help iodine to be absorbed as efficiently as possible.

Start taking iodine at a dosage of 150 micrograms per day, after which you can increase the dose by 50 micrograms every week. Such dosages do not cause allergies to iodine. Ksenia Mashkina Ksenia Mashkina Health Neurologist