
Why is it dangerous to fall asleep with the TV or lights on: doctor Lebedeva

TV remote control in hand
The doctor states that falling asleep with the TV or the light turned on is harmful, and this is associated with the risks of such dangerous pathologies as diabetes and heart failure.< br>
“Sleep with the lights on and the TV on is fraught with diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease,” warned somnologist Darya Lebedeva in an interview.

The specialist noticed that falling asleep in the neighborhood with a light source turned on or a working TV is fraught with a violation of the body's natural biological rhythms. It is natural for the human body to fall asleep after dark – it produces specific hormones during the dark time of the day that provide a feeling of drowsiness. If a person begins to fall asleep next to a light source, this “breaks” the natural mechanisms of falling asleep and waking up, negatively affects the “behavior” of the brain during sleep and the quality of sleep.

Lebedeva added that the body and the brain need a night's sleep in dark and quiet conditions to maintain healthy functions. Violation of this condition provokes negative reactions – for example, a malfunction in the hormonal balance of the body.

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“The production of ghrelin (hunger hormone) increases, as a result of which a person wants to eat more . He gains weight, and after that, the risk of obesity, diabetes and various cardiovascular diseases increases, ”said Lebedeva.
The medic added that due to poor sleep, people are also at risk of depression and other mental problems. The expert recommends a more responsible approach to observing sleep hygiene.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about which categories of people are at increased risk of thrombosis. Daria Lebedeva Daria Lebedeva Health doctor-somnologist