
Why is belly fat dangerous and how to get rid of it?

waist froze
Gynecologist Yevgenia Nazimova spoke about the dangers of belly fat for women's health and how to get rid of it.

How to remove belly fat? An urgent question for women of all ages. And indeed, it is the fat in this area of ​​our body that can cause very serious damage to our health.

“If at the same time a woman has a magnificent bust or voluminous hips, this will not affect her health in any way. But even a small increase in the amount of fat in the waist area can significantly disrupt metabolism, ”the expert says.
In this case, the main measuring device is not a scale, but a centimeter tape.

The waist circumference of a woman at any age and with any type of physique should not exceed 80 cm, and for a man – no more than 93 cm.

If your figures are higher, there is a reason to consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct the necessary studies and determine the reasons why your metabolism has been disturbed, and select a treatment.

But the doctor can only help you, he cannot do anything for you. Of course, he can prescribe drugs that will enhance the breakdown of fat and speed up metabolism. Perhaps they will correct the hormonal background, if it is disturbed. But it is up to you to change your diet and increase physical activity.

Only due to drugs, while maintaining your usual lifestyle and nutrition, you will not be able to reduce weight. Some reduction at the initial stage is possible, but further in the future, if nothing is changed, everything will return to the original version.

By splitting, fat enters our blood vessels, settles on the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Moreover, if you constantly lose weight by 5 kg, then add 10 kg again, you only harm your body.

If you have made the decision to restore metabolism and normalize weight, you must be consistent and move towards the goal, without disruption. Evgenia Nazimova Evgenia Nazimova Health Gynecologist