
Why even water should be drunk in moderation

Why even water should be drunk in moderation
There is no food or drink in the world that we can consume in any quantity. This also applies to water, which contains zero calories and no harmful ingredients like sugar or salt.

Nutritionist Yevgeny Arzamastsev said that water should be consumed in moderation. If a person absorbs it in large quantities, then this can lead to heart rhythm disturbance and even beriberi. This is especially true for the cold season and low physical mobility.

Drinking water without feeling thirsty can be dangerous

If a person does not regularly engage in intensive training, but drinks 4-5 liters of water every day, he will lose almost all of his body's mineral reserves in the shortest possible time . This will provoke, at the first stage, arrhythmia – a dangerous heart rhythm disturbance associated with the release of sodium from the cells. Then vitamins will gradually disappear in the body, and already this can provoke beriberi with all possible consequences, including even such an exotic disease as scurvy.

Experts told what kind of water you should not drink in the morning

But this does not mean at all that water should not be drunk at all. You just need to consume up to one and a half liters of water daily, and in a hot climate, when the body loses a lot of moisture, you need to drink even more. Especially attentive to the use of water should be the elderly, who often do not feel thirsty. In their case, an even more dangerous pathology can develop – dehydration. (READ MORE) Evgeny Arzamastsev Evgeny Arzamastsev Health Endocrinologist , nutritionist specializes in the treatment of metabolic syndrome, obesity