
What causes uncompensated hypothyroidism in women?

increase in waist size
Endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva told what problems can be encountered if hypothyroidism is not treated.

We talk about hypothyroidism when the thyroid gland produces not enough hormones, that is, its function is reduced.

“The thyroid hormones are responsible for maintaining a stable body temperature, for stimulating the growth and development of tissues, supporting mental health, speeding up thought processes, increasing lipolysis, stimulating protein synthesis,” the expert says.
As you can see, the thyroid gland’s responsibility is quite wide and when it fails, the result is reflected in the whole body.

What happens if the lack of hormones is not replenished? One of the visible consequences is obesity. At the same time, insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus develop along the way.

Very often, the result of hypothyroidism in women is an early menopause, as a result, problems with conceiving and bearing a child are possible.

Cholesterol plaques form in the vessels, and this is the path to atherosclerosis and heart pathologies.

The overall level decreases energy, insomnia appears, cognitive functions worsen (memory, attentiveness).


Due to the reduction in protein and collagen synthesis, the condition of muscle tissue and skin worsens, it becomes flabby and not elastic.< Lack of rest linked to serious illnesses Sometimes it happens that a patient diagnosed with hypothyroidism takes hormone replacement therapy, but there is no effect. This means that the hormones or their dosage are chosen incorrectly. And it is necessary to solve the problem of the functioning of the thyroid gland in a complex way. Dilyara Lebedeva Dilyara Lebedeva Health Endocrinologist