
Weakness and apathy are the first signs of tired adrenal glands

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Therapist Elena Kudryashova told how to recognize tired, exhausted adrenal glands by what symptoms and how to help these working organs.

“The first sign of adrenal exhaustion is weakness, feeling tired, apathy, irritability, reduced immunity and clinging to all colds and flus. If a person constantly feels weak and lethargic, then it is worth checking the adrenal glands. Even in old age, this condition is not normal,” the expert says.
When there are disorders in the work of the adrenal glands, hypothyroidism often develops, excess weight appears, headache, and shortness of breath. Urination becomes frequent, weakness appears in the muscles, pain in the lower back.

Adrenal exhaustion is often the cause of other serious diseases. Often this is hypertension (high blood pressure). Sometimes obesity develops, and it is difficult to lose weight.

If a young person of working age experiences constant unreasonable weakness, most likely this is a symptom of the disease. Sometimes the body's resource is enough for only a few hours of active work. If irritability and nervousness are added to fatigue, you must definitely take a blood test for adrenal hormones! You will have to reconsider your attitude to life in general! Remove deadlines, stress, constant time pressure. Fear and anxiety do not contribute to the restoration of the adrenal glands and the body as a whole.

Tired adrenal glands: how does stress kill us?

Herbs-adaptogens will help support tired adrenal glands. Elena Kudryashova Elena Kudryashova Health Therapist, naturopath