
Virologist Altshtein told in what form anthrax can manifest itself

Virologist Anatoly Altshtein: there is no real danger that anthrax will spread among people.

The Russian scientist commented in an interview on the possibility of contracting anthrax, and told in what form this dangerous disease can manifest itself. Virologist Anatoly Altshtein shared his opinion after it became known that several residents of Chuvashia had been infected with anthrax, who fell ill after slaughtering a sick bull. The scientist noted that under natural conditions, the infection is transmitted to people, as a rule, from animals –

“this affects large and small cattle.”
Altstein added that the transmission of the pathogen between people is also possible, however it is carried out “with great difficulty”.

Explaining the form in which anthrax can manifest itself, the expert named two – skin and lung. When they are opened, black contents are found there, ”the virologist said, talking to RT.
Anatoly Altshtein explained that this form of infection can be treated with antibiotics – without treatment, a person is at high risk of death. The cutaneous form of the disease can occur if the infectious agent enters the body through damage to the skin – cuts, wounds, etc.

As for the pulmonary variety of anthrax, it develops when pathogenic microorganisms enter the lungs by inhalation. This results in severe pneumonia. This form of the disease is the most dangerous.

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According to Altstein, although the treatment of anthrax in sick people is a rather difficult process, its mass spread due to transmission from person to person is excluded.

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“Each form of anthrax is rare, as animals are mostly sick. Experts will find the sources of anthrax and stop them. There is no need to scare the people, because there is no real danger here,” the virologist concluded.
Earlier, the portal wrote about the conditions in which tuberculosis infection can occur.

Important< span style="color:#fc272d;">! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anatoly Altshtein Anatoly Altshtein Zdorovye Chief Researcher, Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, virologist