
Type 2 diabetes: a nutritionist named a supplement that reduces sugar levels by 36% in minutes

Type 2 Diabetes: Nutritionist Named Supplement That Reduces Sugar by 36% in Minutes
Diabetes is characterized by dysfunction of blood glucose, which must be carefully controlled to prevent deterioration of health. Naturally, diet plays a big role in this. Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided as much as possible, as they cause unnecessary spikes in glucose levels. However, taking certain supplements can lower postprandial blood sugar by a staggering 36 percent.

Elevated blood sugar is a key factor in a number of diseases, including metabolic syndrome and prediabetes.
In some cases, this may help promote type 2 diabetes, which is considered a lifelong disease.

Dietitian-nutritionist Igor Strokov spoke specifically for MedicForum about the benefits of supplements for sugar control.

“Ginseng, vitamin D, magnesium, probiotics, berberine and supplements with cinnamon have demonstrated a strong reduction in blood sugar levels.In human and laboratory studies, it has been suggested that cinnamon and cinnamon extracts lower glucose levels, induce insulin release, and have an insulin-like effect.”
P Previously, researchers found that cinnamon was not effective in lowering blood glucose levels. In volunteers who ate one to six grams of cinnamon for about 40 days, blood sugar levels dropped by 24 percent.

MedicForum has previously written about how to avoid vasospasm.