
Thrush on vacation and after: what to do?

Thrush is unpleasant in principle, and even more so on vacation. A disease can easily spoil the most long-awaited trip.

Gynecologist Kamil Bakhtiyarov told how to minimize the risks and how to act if the disease could not be avoided.

“Why is thrush so often overtakes precisely on vacation or immediately after, when it’s not at all up to it? There may be a combination of reasons. And the first is a hot climate, mushrooms love it and can multiply in it, ”the expert says.
Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and a violation of the microflora in the body can also provoke thrush.

Another common reason is a general decrease the immune defense of the body due to acclimatization.

The higher humidity that we often encounter when traveling also has a beneficial effect on the reproduction of fungi.

To minimize the risks, give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetics and tight underwear contribute to the development of thrush.

Alcohol, sweets, too spicy spices, excessive food intake and problems with the intestines all increase risk factors.

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In order not to start the disease, when the first symptoms appear, try to see a doctor. Be sure to get tested so as not to confuse thrush with bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted infections.

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If there is no opportunity to get to the doctor on vacation, make it easier condition will help suppositories with natamycin. However, upon returning home, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist! Kamil Bakhtiyarov Kamil Bakhtiyarov Health Gynecologist