
Thick bile: hepatologist told how to avoid stagnation

Gastroenterologist-hepatologist Sergey Vyalov told how to prevent thickening of bile and what this problem is fraught with.

Many mistakenly believe that thick bile is a problem associated with inadequate water intake. However, it is not. The real reason lies in the fact that we eat little fatty foods. That is why the problem of thick bile is especially relevant in the summer, when you don’t want to eat anything heavy.

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“In the heat, we eat less, including“ heavy “fatty foods, preferring vegetables and fruits. But fatty foods are very important for proper gallbladder contractions. With a low-fat diet, you need to break down little, and sometimes with strict diets, nothing at all. Therefore, the bubble rests, and the bile becomes thicker and thicker, ”the expert notes.
Fat-free menu is a direct path to stagnation and thickening of bile. However, this does not mean at all that you need to start overeating fatty foods.

A sharp change in diet is also fraught with problems. Bile will begin to be released too actively.

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It is enough to review your diet and eat so that the body does not experience stress.

It is desirable that the diet be varied and balanced, so that it contains all the elements necessary for healthy digestion: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Sergey Vyalov Sergey Vyalov Health Gastroenterologist, hepatologist