
Therapist Terentyeva: expired drugs are dangerous for the stomach and heart

taking medicine
Therapist Yekaterina Terentyeva: expired drugs should be disposed of immediately.

Doctor Terentyeva said in an interview that the use of expired drugs is fraught with the development of dangerous disorders. Talking to Izvestia, the doctor emphasized that the storage of medicines requires certain conditions, they should not be in contact with light or exposed to sources of heat and moisture.

The pharmacy in Rostov sold expired medicines from the last century Terentyeva added that an open jar of pills should not be stored for more than a year. If you ignore this rule and use a medicine that has been stored for a longer time, you can suffer from gastrointestinal disorders.
In addition to being dangerous for the stomach, expired medicines can also cause disturbances in the functioning of the heart and other organs, the doctor warned.
Doctor Burnatskaya: expired medicines are especially dangerous because of the risk of intoxication

“The consequences of taking expired medicines can be an allergic reaction, poisoning, increased infection, heart problems, visual disturbances and other complications,” she clarified expert.
Earlier, the portal wrote that taking some vitamins can provoke the development of cancer.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.