
Therapist Romanenko named herniated discs as one of the unusual causes of hiccups

Therapist Tatyana Romanenko: hiccups can “indicate” a herniated disc.

Therapist Romanenko reported that hiccups can be caused by unusual health problems at first glance. In particular, the doctor named herniated discs as one of such unusual causes of hiccups.

“Hiccups may indicate a herniated disc. If, in addition to it, a person also experiences prolonged headaches, neck pain, dizziness, whistling in the ears, then this is a serious reason to check the condition of the spine,” Romanenko said in a comment to Doctor 24.
Another unusual factor of hiccups is infection of the body with parasites. For example, such as trichinella, which causes damage to the respiratory muscles and diaphragm.

In addition, a stroke can be the cause of hiccups. The therapist explained: a stroke disrupts the blood supply to the brain, and if the source of such a disruption occurs in its trunk, then the person begins to hiccup incessantly. It is in the brain stem that the structures that control the movements of the diaphragm are located. When a stroke affects this area, chronic hiccups can be observed.

Romanenko added that with diaphragm injuries, a person can also begin to hiccup incessantly. For example, such a symptom can be used to suspect blows to the abdomen or bruises.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what duration of hiccups is pathological.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Tatyana Romanenko Tatyana Romanenko Health, physician, therapist of the highest category