
Therapist Kovalenko explained the danger of living on high and low floors

a young woman is sitting by the window
Therapist Yulia Kovalenko: the floor on which a person lives in an apartment building affects his susceptibility to various diseases.

Therapist Kovalenko explained in an interview why it is dangerous to live on the first or second floor.

“The most dangerous for the body are low and high floors. Thus, residents of the first floors often complain of lung diseases and reduced immunity,” the doctor told Gazeta.Ru.
The doctor added that the lower floors are close to basements with fungus and mold spreading there, and residents of the first floors face this problem in their apartments. In addition, a lot of street dust and vehicle exhaust gases penetrate into their homes, which have a toxic effect on the body.

“Such exposures are extremely dangerous. Our body is not able to cope with such aggressive agents without damage to health, it exceeds the physiological capabilities of detoxification systems,” said Kovalenko.
The doctor considers floors from the third to the seventh to be the optimal height of residence. suffer from the penetration of industrial smog into the apartment. It is especially harmful to live on floors starting from the twenty-fifth and above. Usually in apartments at such a height there is no possibility for natural ventilation. The doctor stated:

Scientists have named the best floor for people to live

“Those living on very high floors can suffer from vibrations, low-frequency infrasonic vibrations and atmospheric pressure drops.”
Kovalenko warned: under the influence of these factors, people can develop panic attacks, sleep disturbances, anxiety, hypochondria, a tendency to headaches and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Living on high floors increases the risk of death from a heart attack

Earlier, the portal wrote about the decrease in immunity occurring with age.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Yulia Kovalenko Yulia Kovalenko Health therapist