
The therapist listed the causes of headaches, unexpected for many people

Therapist Irina Saynog: weather changes, wind, humidity or bright sun, some foods and drinks can suddenly turn out to be a headache trigger.

The doctor listed in an interview the causes of headaches that may be unexpected for many people. In particular, some weather phenomena can provoke an unpleasant sensation.

Doctors reported unexpected causes of headaches

“Change in the weather: in summer – heat, bright sun, sun glare, overheating in direct sunlight, cold, high humidity, windy, stormy weather, changes in atmospheric pressure,” Irina Saynog told Vechernyaya Moskva.
The doctor also named other possible “switches” of headaches from among the unexpected ones.

  • Consumption of drinks such as coffee, beer, wine (red), champagne.
  • Consumption of smoked foods, as well as cheese, chocolate, celery, tomatoes.
  • Anxiety or stress .
  • Changing the habitual sleep pattern, changing the time zone.

Sainog emphasized that in some cases, headache may occur not as a consequence of some external influence, but as a symptom of a hidden internal disease – so do not treat it as a trifle routine occurrence. If the head starts to hurt more often or the headache feels like something new that has not happened before, you should definitely consult a doctor. about the symptoms of lung cancer. Irina Saynog Irina Saynog Health doctor -therapist