
The pediatrician told what to do if a foreign body got into the child's nose

The pediatrician told what to do if a foreign body got into the child's nose
Pediatrician Dmitry Molodoy told what can and cannot be done if a foreign body is stuck in the child's nose.

He noted that such cases are not uncommon in his practice. But most often such troubles occur with children aged 2 to 5 years. As a rule, during the game.

It's good if the child already knows how to speak and told his parents what happened. But sometimes foreign objects do not bring any significant discomfort to the child and remain in the nasal passages for a long time.

“For some time, an object in the nose may not cause significant discomfort, especially if it has smooth edges. In this case, in any case, trauma to the mucosa occurs, ”says the doctor.
Symptoms to look out for:

  • no nasal breathing on one side,
  • child complains of pain in nose,
  • severe watery discharge from the nostrils.

The longer the object is in the nasal cavity, the more likely the risk of infection, mucosal disturbance and swelling.

“Some objects, being in the nasal cavity, can gradually swell (dried beans), blocking the nasal passage completely.”
In this case, you can get qualified help by contacting an ENT specialist.

Ambulance, of course, can also be called. However, extracting such items is not their profile, and the team can only provide assistance on their own initiative and under their own responsibility.

How to help a child on their own if there is no way to get medical care? Ask the child to close their mouth and healthy nostril. After that, let him make a sharp exhalation.

If the foreign body is not yet very tightly settled, most likely, a sharp air flow will push the object out.

The doctor does not recommend tweezers for use at home. This requires skills.

What should not be done categorically: rinse the affected nostril with water (especially under pressure), shake out the foreign body from the child. Dmitry Molodoy Dmitry Molodoy Health Pediatrician, emergency doctor