
The oncologist surgeon told how dangerous carbonated drinks are

drink in a glass
Oncologist surgeon Inna Tulina told why carbonated drinks are harmful to health and why it is better to refuse them.

It's no secret that sweet carbonated drinks can cause diabetes and obesity. But it turned out that this is far from their only danger.

“Consumption of sugary drinks increases the risk of colorectal cancer at an early age. This conclusion was made on the basis of a long-term observation of 96,000 nurses. Many long-term studies are being conducted on nurses: they take control tests and undergo examinations “at work,” the expert says. twice.

Daily consumption of 250 ml of carbonated sugary drinks increases the risk of pathology by 15% in adults. And if teenagers drink sweet soda every day, the likelihood of early development of bowel cancer increases significantly.

How this mechanism is activated under the influence of carbonated sugar-containing drinks is not yet completely clear. Most likely, soda has a powerful negative effect on the intestinal microflora, the mucous membrane loses its protective shield.

How to help yourself and reduce risks? Cut down on sugary sodas as much as possible if you can't cut them out completely. Give preference to plain water, sour-milk products, teas without sugar.

Soda makes the body age faster

Reducing the risk of colorectal cancer can also help avoid red meat or reduce its consumption. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet.

Soda can destroy your bones from the inside

Give up alcohol, devote at least an hour a week to physical activity. After the age of 40, do a colonoscopy. Inna Tulina Inna Tulina Health Surgical oncologist