
The main culprit of women's problems: how to understand that you have too much estrogen?

a woman feels bad
Dr. Eric Berg explained why many women have irregular menstrual cycles and are constantly pursuing PMS. The reason has been found.

The symptoms of PMS can last up to 3-5 days in some cases. Sometimes it happens that these days are simply deleted from life. Mood swings, painful sensations – the usual way of life is violated. Constantly cravings for sweet or salty, and sometimes for both. What is the reason for such failures?

“Estrogens act on a woman all her life. The task of this group of hormones is to help women to be happy and “glow from within”. The “gifts” of estrogen are tender skin, feminine forms, the ability to get pregnant and even sparkle in the eyes and special attraction during ovulation, ”the expert says.
If the body is in hormonal balance, then everything goes according to plan. But if the balance of estrogens goes in the direction of their increase, problems begin. With an excess of estrogen, the figure changes. This type of physique is called ovarian – fat is localized on the hips, buttocks increase in volume.

Often the menstrual cycle fails. Yes, and menstruation itself brings pain, there may be cramps in the lower abdomen with a return to the lower back.

Headache, swelling, irritable and anxious mood, rashes on the face are added to PMS syndromes.

When a woman enters the period of menopause, she begins to feel hot flashes, her heart rate goes astray.

Men suffer from migraines due to female sex hormones

Gynecological pathologies such as endometriosis, polycystic syndrome are not uncommon. ovaries, infertility.

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It makes no sense to treat the symptoms of these conditions. It is necessary to solve the main cause of all these disorders – to put in order the hormonal background. Eric Berg Eric Berg Health Keto Diet Expert, Intermittent Fasting Specialist