
The expert explained the mechanism of allergy

Clinical pharmacologist Angela Stepus told where allergies come from and how to deal with it.⠀

You can get rid of any disease only by knowing the causes of its occurrence . Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain. Allergy is no exception.

“Allergy is an overexcitation of the immune system when foreign material invades, that is, it is a reaction of an immune cell. Normally, immunity is in a state of equilibrium. But if foreign bodies get into the bloodstream, the immune system starts to “panic”, get overexcited, and then allergic reactions appear: asthma, sinusitis, eczema,” the expert says.⠀
How does the allergen get inside us? Through the respiratory system (for example, inhaling the pollen of flowering plants, dust, smells of household chemicals); with food and through the skin (for example, allergy to the sun, cold, or cosmetics).

The causes of allergies from the point of view of psychosomatics

The mechanism is based on the vulnerability of the protective barrier between external and internal body environment. Therefore, the main task in the treatment is to remove this factor of vulnerability. And the most important thing to do is to strengthen the immune system. Then you will forget about allergies forever.

Childhood in the countryside will prevent the risks of asthma and allergies

But antihistamines and other antiallergic drugs, alas, eliminate only the symptoms, not the cause of the problem. Angela Stepus Angela Stepus Health Clinical pharmacologist