
The expert called the first signs of problems with the intestines

abdominal pain
In recent years, 90% of residents of modern cities have faced gastrointestinal problems. This is one of the most common health problems today.

Intestinal problems seriously affect not only our general well-being, but also the quality of life in general. In addition, very often they are a trigger for a number of other pathologies.

Clinical pharmacologist Angela Stepus told how to recognize problems with the intestines at the initial stage, and why they cannot be ignored.

Problems with the intestines: the first signs

“If you notice signs of serious problems with your intestines in time and start treatment with a competent specialist, you can restore it quite quickly and easily. The main thing is not to ignore the signals that the body sends you, ”the expert says.
What symptoms cannot be ignored? First of all, it is bloating and flatulence, gas formation. We also do not leave without due attention pain in the abdomen, stool failures, a feeling of heartburn and heaviness after eating.

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one of the symptoms listed (if it is constantly present) indicates that there are problems with the intestines and they need to be addressed. Otherwise it will get worse. Angela Stepus Angela Stepus Health Clinical pharmacologist, nutritionist, specialist in regenerative medicine and immunocorrection