
The endocrinologist listed the symptoms of impaired bile flow

abdominal pain
Endocrinologist Natalya Liberanskaya named the main symptoms of impaired bile outflow that should not be ignored.

Many of us do not even suspect how important the state of the gallbladder and the outflow of bile play in our body. If it is broken for some reason, all organs and systems will suffer in one way or another.

“One of the most obvious and “recognizable” symptoms that indicate malfunctions of the bile duct is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, lack of appetite. Especially in the morning. Listen to yourself and your body after you wake up.”
A deficiency of vitamins D, A, E, K, which are fat-soluble, also tells us that something is wrong with the bile. That is why the listed vitamins are not absorbed, even if you take them in large dosages.

If you have skin problems, in particular dryness, age spots or acne, while you provide proper care. You even visit a beautician, but the specialist cannot do anything by acting from the outside, most likely the reason is a violation of the outflow of bile.

How to diagnose violations of the outflow of bile?

Regular pain in the hypochondrium on the right side, chronic constipation, bloating – all these are also signs of an unhealthy bile.

Gynecological pathologies, oddly enough, are also associated with impaired bile outflow.

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If endometriosis, fibroids, painful menstruation, mastopathy are not treated by gynecological methods, try to approach from the side of the intestines and gallbladder. Natalia Liberanskaya Natalya Liberanskaya Health Endocrinologist