
The endocrinologist listed the products that need to be removed from her menu

choice of food
Arina Tertyshnaya, an endocrinologist, named the food groups that everyone who wants to preserve health and longevity should avoid.

Food culture and eating habits – in our society, these concepts, unfortunately, are not familiar to everyone. Many people eat what they can find on the store shelf, not really thinking about what these products are made of and how their composition will affect the state of our body.

“Food waste is the real killer of our body, which destroys us from the inside, systematically, slowly and surely,” says the expert.
So what should be removed from the diet? All dairy products that contain sugar (sweet yoghurts, cheese curds, cottage cheese desserts, and so on). The second group is chips. Today on the shelves you can find a huge variety of this product. All chips are equally harmful, no matter what the manufacturer writes on the packaging.

Removing completely smoked, sausages and frankfurters. If you really want to – better eat a piece of meat.

We refuse sauces – all, any, different! This includes ketchups and other meat additives from tubes. Such sauces contain a lot of salt, vinegar, flavor enhancers and preservatives.

Muesli and breakfast cereals are also not the most useful product. Especially on an empty stomach in the morning.

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Bread and white bread are banned (this also includes any pastry). If bread – then we prefer bran.

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And finally, confectionery. This is one of the main taboos if you want to stay healthy. Fast carbohydrates and sugar will lead you clearly in the other direction. Arina Tertyshnaya Arina Tertyshnaya Health Doctor -endocrinologist