
The endocrinologist explained why you should not be afraid of hormone replacement therapy

Endocrinologist Olga Pavlova debunked another myth about hormone replacement therapy. Should she be afraid?

There are a huge number of myths about hormone replacement therapy. Some of them are absolute delusions. One of these stereotypes is the unnatural origin of the hormones used, therefore they are dangerous.

“Drugs are chemical formulas of substances, usually some plants or, in our case, hormones. The estrogens contained in HRT preparations are identical to those hormones that are synthesized in our body, ”the expert notes.
Therefore, there is no danger and unnaturalness in taking such hormones, especially if a person experiences their deficiency.

When the activity of the thyroid gland decreases and its hormones are no longer synthesized in the amount required by the body, patients, as a rule, agree to replacement therapy. Because in most cases this compensation is vital.

But when it comes to making up for deficiencies, for example, sex hormones, then many begin to fear. But what's the difference? Especially if such hormone replacement therapy can significantly improve the quality of life.

The main thing is to find a competent specialist and choose the right hormone therapy for you in adequate doses. Olga Pavlova Olga Pavlova Health Doctor -endocrinologist