
The doctor told which organism best resists the flu

If the body has a “good” immune system, it can successfully defend against the virus for several days, says immunologist Andrei Prodeus.

Professor Prodeus told in an interview which body is best able to resist the flu. The doctor noticed that his ability to resist infection is related to the potential of the immune system, the state of which is influenced by various factors. Among them are alcohol consumption, stress, the ability to get enough sleep.

People more prone to influenza have been identified

“An organism with a good immune system, not spoiled by alcohol, lack of sleep, stress, can contain the virus for up to 3–4 days ”, – informed Prodeus, talking with NSN.
The doctor added that before the onslaught of viruses, infections, the body of smokers is especially vulnerable. In people with such a habit, the mucosa is overdried, as a result, it is exposed to lesions, pathogenic particles are more easily fixed on it and penetrate inside.

The doctor told how the body develops immunity to coronavirus

Earlier portal wrote about what symptoms indicate a weak immune system. Andrey Prodeus Andrey Prodeus Health pediatrician- immunologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor