
The cardiologist named 7 steps for a healthy heart and blood vessels

A cardiologist named 7 steps for a healthy heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular diseases are considered the main killers in the world. If you want to protect yourself, there are certain things you should pay attention to. A cardiologist explains what's important.

They account for a third of all deaths: millions of people die from cardiovascular diseases every year. Deadly – There are many ways to protect the heart. The doctor reveals seven steps to do this.

“A heart attack can occur without warning. About 50 percent of all patients with a heart attack have symptoms that appear 24-28 hours before it,” says cardiologist Alexander Kolobaev specially for MedicForum.

Checklist for a Healthy Heart

He calls his checklist:

  • Be active, move more.
  • Quit smoking
  • Eat healthy, avoid sugar
  • Watch your weight
  • Keep an eye on your blood pressure
  • Keep an eye on your cholesterol levels
  • Make sure you get enough relaxation in your daily life.

Warning signs of a heart attack

Because every second counts during a heart attack, those injured or present should immediately call an emergency physician if the following signs appear, because they are alarm signals:

  • severe pain and pressure in the chest
  • shortness of breath without or with the slightest exertion
  • severe tightness in the chest
  • severe burning in the chest
  • cold sweat and cold, yellowish skin
  • nausea and vomiting
  • pain in the upper abdomen.

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Heart disease significantly reduces life expectancy

Comparing life expectancy also shows how important it is to ensure a healthy heart. For example, the Mediterranean countries and Japan are far ahead of Russia, the USA and Central Europe.

“The main reason for the lag is the increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases,” says a cardiologist.
For the study, the causes of mortality were compared with six selected countries. As far as pioneering countries with high life expectancy go, Russia fares poorly, especially when it comes tocardiovascular diseases. When compared by age, there is already a deficiency in men over 50 years of age. On the other hand, women's rather low life expectancy can be explained primarily by an increase in mortality over the age of 65.

High blood pressure and heart health

If blood pressure blood vessels are constantly elevated, doctors talk about high blood pressure, hypertension. This is a disease of the cardiovascular system. In 95 percent of patients there is no organic cause (primary hypertension). In about five percent of cases, an organic cause, such as narrowing of the renal arteries (secondary hypertension), can be identified.

Lowering blood pressure appears to help many people maintain heart health.

MedicForum previously wrote about truths and myths and dietary supplements.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.